The Crooked Lamb.

X. The Wheel of Fortune.

Up ‘pon the hills where the silent wind chills.Deep into the land, whence corpse’ turns to sand.Into the shadows, for those who art hallows.

There, lives a house.Not for man, not for mouse.

Up ‘pon the mills, there waits a broken sill.Deep into commands, only one might understand.Into the gallows, for those who art so shallow.

There, lives a lad.Neither glad, nor sad.

▶ A mediocre musician and storyteller, ‘tis likely you’ve heard them play within the nooks and crannies of your travels.▶ Deeper into the Goblet lays a workshop with its’ door never locked, never closed. Filled with tomes, potions, and trinkets abundant—perhaps you’ve found yourself curious for a look around.▶ Requiring a bit of assistance? Their abilities to mend stitches, wounds, tears and curiosities alike is not unknown. Any burden can be tended to, all for free.▶ Perhaps you’ve an adoration for fairytales and fantasies. More often than not, they stand with a storybook in their gauntlets.▶ In need of a haircut or cosmetic adjustments? Why, the lad knows just the barber for you. Galatea 'Barber'- he could easily make an appointment for you.

If none of these hooks work well with your character, no worries, we can always go back and forth on ideas. Anything and everything usually goes whence it comes to approaching this character—don’t be afraid to reach out, I would love to discuss.

I do mainly mirror roleplay; however, I would prefer paragraphs on most occasions. Of course, this is dependent on the setting and the pace of the scene—I’m lax, I promise!Any themes are okay with me as long as they fit into the narrative of a scene.Thanks for reading! Hope to be RPing with you soon.